B e la degoulina dose socto tera’ (‘A is the upper church of Consacrato Sepulcro of Milan

B e la degoulina dose socto tera’ (‘A is the upper church of Consacrato Sepulcro of Milan

17 The drawings of f. 57r bear, in fact, the annotation, ‘A e Beato Sepulcro di Milano di sop(r)verso. B is the part underground’). Cf. Guillaume ( 1987: 234 ) and Schofield ( 1991: 135 ). But see also Windsor, RL 12609v and the Codex Atlanticus, f. 42v-c.

18 Reflections on the quincunx scheme are durante f. 3 v of the Codex Ashburnham 2037 (= Ms. B, f. 93r).

19 I have reddit thaicupid omitted the most elementary diagrams such as, for example, those of f. 21r: con the first pair (top left), the octagonal plan has four rectangular side chapels, each half verso side deep (2: 1) and twice as high (2: 1). The octagonal drum on which stands a hemispherical ribbed dome is also twice as high as the side of the octagon. Overall, the structure is equal sicuro four times the side of this polygon. Durante the second pair (lower right) the central octagon opens esatto four square chapels the side of which is equal puro that of the octagon (1: 1). These chapels develop con height according esatto per cube surmounted by an octagonal drum surmounted by verso cupola, the edge of which is half that of the cube (2: 1). Two square modules (each as tall as one side of the cube of the side chapels) define the height of the octagonal drum, on which is set an eight-sided cupola.

20 The discrepancy between the transverse dimension of the proportional scheme (mediante blue mediante Figure 6 ) and the ‘ghost’ drawing of Leonardo depends on the fact that the part of the facade onesto the right of the apse was drawn visibly narrower than the symmetrically opposing part.

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21 I refer here to the well-known graphical method for the construction of the golden rectangle from the square whose side becomes per proportional mean. On Leonardo’s use of the golden section, see Sinisgalli ( 2003 and 2006 ) and Natali ( 2006 ). Camerota [ forthcoming ] demonstrates the use of the golden section mediante the ‘Adoration of the Magi’ (c. 1482) and in the determination of the dimensions of the panel and the position of the vanishing point sopra the central axis of the ‘Annunciation’ (c. 1472). Continue reading “B e la degoulina dose socto tera’ (‘A is the upper church of Consacrato Sepulcro of Milan”

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Schema arriere d’un decadence en offrant unique madame active en tenant Nantes

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Tchat puissance vers Nantes en offrant unique femme avec 43 piges

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