At the meeting of the board of health, the secretary, A

At the meeting of the board of health, the secretary, A

M. Brown Engineering Co

Ripley Central School’s proposed $600,000 re would cost the owner of the average house in Ripley $ a year from 1991 to 2001, according to the district’s financial consultant. That was how much the owner of a house assessed at $15,000 would pay, Roy McMaster told district residents at a public hearing.

In 1914, according to the provisions of the new state sanitary code, it would be necessary for Jamestown to install a bacteriological laboratory for the testing of milk not later than Nov. 16. F. Nelson, was authorized and directed to go to New York to purchase a complete laboratory, which would represent an expense of several hundred dollars. While in New York, Mr. Nelson would confer with Dr. Charles E. North, who was at Jamestown at the time of the investigation of the local milk situation. Also, Earl Johnson of Baker Street in the city was cited to appear before the board to show cause why he should not be prosecuted for violating the quarantine regulations. It was claimed that he permitted his child, while ill with scarlet fever, to expose others to the disease.

In 1939, Herbert Hoover, in an article in the Saturday Evening Post, said that if the United States entered another world war �liberty will be lost to America

The Journal was in receipt of a letter from a friend, Herbert Grant, formerly of Jamestown, connected with the First National Bank of Twin Falls, Idaho, telling something of the productivity of the agricultural lands in the state of Idaho and as a sample of the products of the sagebrush soil of that state, which was being brought under irrigation and cultivation, he advised that he had sent two boxes, one of apples and one of potatoes, to Mrs. Continue reading “At the meeting of the board of health, the secretary, A”