Illinois Legal Aid

For more than 20 years, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) has been simplifying the law so people can seek justice and resolve their problems. Through innovation, we make the law understandable and accessible. We believe that when empowered by knowledge and clear direction, people can be their best advocates. We give people tools 24/7, in three languages and plain language so that families can understand and enforce their legal rights. ILAO helps people who cannot find a lawyer or overcome barriers to justice. Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) is a website with many articles and resources to assist self-represented litigants. To ask a specific legal question and seek attorney advice, low-income Illinois residents must do so on Illinois Free Legal Answers, which is administered by PILI. ILAO is also a great resource for lawyers answering questions about Illinois Free Legal Answers. In Illinois, Illinois Free Legal Answers was initially run by ILAO, but as of August 1, 2019, PILI took over the day-to-day operation of the site, as well as recruiting and supporting volunteers. — Participation in focus groups — Access to IICLE(R) online library — Writing legal articles OLIL articling students and fellows have the opportunity to learn more about civil legal aid and explore the legal issues that most affect low-income individuals and families, while impacting the lives of thousands of people in need. Interns and beneficiaries receive training on writing for a professional audience and how to use technical tools that serve as a scalable alternative to provide legal aid to people who cannot find or afford a lawyer. Interns and fellows help develop and maintain ILAO`s empowerment tools, including guides, guides, legal forms, videos, calendars and more.

Free Legal Answers is a secure website where low-income Illinoisans can seek help from a lawyer for a civil law issue. Volunteer lawyers then easily log on to the website and answer questions waiting in the queue. This is a virtual walk-in legal clinic. If you`re looking for help with a legal issue, a local legal aid agency can offer free legal advice and help you find a free or low-cost lawyer. For more information about organizations in Illinois, see below or search for addresses to find a Legal Services Corporation (LSC)-funded legal aid organization near you. Adults who meet the eligibility criteria, who are not currently in custody and who do not seek assistance in criminal matters. Before users are allowed to seek legal advice, they are asked questions to determine eligibility. — Track your progress on legal issues — Sign up to receive legal updates — Save legal recommendation information in your profile Legal Aid Chicago provides free civil justice services to people living in poverty in Cook County.

All clients must be registered by telephone and their eligibility must be verified by our Client Selection Unit at 312-341-1070. If you are an unrepresented litigant involved in a civil (non-criminal) matter in Illinois, need legal assistance and would like to ask a question about Illinois Free Legal Answers, visit Any lawyer considered active and licensed to practice with the ARDC, including those who have the status of in-house lawyer, may volunteer by registering with An American Bar Association project, Free Legal Answers, has been launched to improve access to advice and information on non-criminal legal matters for those who cannot afford legal assistance. It is now active in 41 jurisdictions across the United States, including Illinois. Get started with Illinois Free Legal Answers today. If you need legal help, click here for more information » ILAO members who are lawyers, law students or navigators can: While the law applies to everyone, in the eyes of our legal system, not everyone is the same. Race, culture, language, education, location, disability and income are huge barriers to law enforcement to achieving justice.

While legal aid lawyers can help people overcome these barriers, they can only meet a small portion of the needs. “You helped me a lot! Thank you, I really appreciate it! “I was able to learn about my rights and how to apply for help with little or no income. » Program: Graduate Scholarship, Law Student Internship “This website has done a great job – both concise and informative. Thank you for making this simple and thoughtless easy to understand… In addition, persons with inactive or retired status and non-state-licensed lawyers may volunteer under Supreme Court Rule 756 by completing the first page of ARDC forms and sending them to PILI staff will then fill out the second page as sponsor and submit it to the ARDC and let you know if we have a response. Response time varies and must be done annually. — Add or edit job postings — Post events to the ILAO Community Calendar — Manage your nonprofit`s profile Clients who meet the financial eligibility criteria ask a question online. Volunteer lawyers can then see the questions, select the ones they feel qualified to answer, and submit an answer. While PILI can see who answered the questions, the lawyers remain anonymous to the clients and are not expected to continue handling the case. No, there is not. However, there are always questions in the queue that need to be answered, so we are always grateful if you can log in and answer a question.

Even one answer can make a difference! Podcast hosts Colleen Connolly and Naeem Nulwala talk to guests about eviction issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and how Cook County`s court systems have adapted. This agency is authorized to host an articling student during the summer. They are also eligible for admission to graduate scholars. “This is one of the best websites I`ve ever used. The automatic filling system makes your life easier! Thank you very much! » Our phone menu and staff communicate in English and Spanish. The Illinois State Board of Education has asked Chicago Public Schools to address issues related to special education services for high school students at the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center. Read more Illinois Free Legal Answers offers attorneys the opportunity to spend their time in the way that best suits their schedule. They can choose where and when they connect and what questions they want to answer. Volunteer lawyers who provide brief advice and advice through the website are covered by ABA E&O insurance.

If you`re an attorney interested in volunteering with Illinois Free Legal Answers, you can learn more and start signing up here. In addition, we have provided resources to help you answer your questions here. Or you can contact us by email and one of our Managing Attorneys will get back to you.
