How to Write a Separate Statement of Undisputed Facts

But you may want to distinguish a case on which the defendant relies, or reconcile the facts of your case with those of a large published opinion. In this case, explain the essential facts in more detail. Instead of “The vegetation at the intersection was overgrown,” the material facts could be: Moreover, I never understood why the defendant wanted to respond in the form of a separate statement. To frustrate summary judgment, it only takes one contentious issue on essential facts. (Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, para. c) [“An application for summary judgment shall be granted if it appears from all the documents submitted that there are no valid questions concerning a material fact.” (emphasis added)]; Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (g) [“Where the court dismisses an application for summary judgment on the ground that there is a question capable of being tried concerning one or more material facts, the court shall, by written or oral order, determine one or more essential facts raised by the application which it has concluded to be a triviable dispute.” (emphasis added)].) The separate presentation by the plaintiff of other material disputed facts should follow the last point of the defendant`s individual statement. Don`t risk separating the additional material facts from the rest of the paperwork. Keep additional material facts in the applicant`s separate statement of objection.

In addition, I number paragraphs separately with an auto-numbering feature (Microsoft Word or WordPerfect). Finally, each PMF corresponds to the paragraph number. When I change or summarize the order of the essential facts, the paragraph numbers are automatically updated. When the additional material facts are finally ready, it is easy to replace the spaces in the CMP: just add the existing paragraph number. If you dispute one of the defendant`s material facts with one of the plaintiff`s additional essential facts, the benefit of first filling in the plaintiff`s additional essential facts is clear: you can copy and paste the additional essential facts and any supporting evidence without worrying about whether you forgot to add evidence, or altered the material fact in any way. Don`t just refer the court to the PMF number. Copy any additional substantive facts and supporting evidence into the challenged cell, and then cite the respective PMF. (See Figure 2.) Depending on the problems in your case, a “material fact” may be a general statement.

For example, in a dangerous state of public property, where invasive vegetation blocks the defendant driver`s view of a pedestrian, an essential fact could be as simple as: “Mrs. Plaintiff crossed the crosswalk.” “The plaintiff`s individual statement against the defendant`s application for judgment or summary order, or both” consists of two parts. The first is the response to the defendant`s separate statement in which the plaintiff indicates whether the defendant`s allegedly undisputed essential facts are in fact undisputed or disputed, with quotes about the probative value of the dispute. The second component is the separate presentation of additional disputed elements of the applicant`s facts. Note that I do not follow the format of California Court Rule 3.1350(h) for the plaintiff`s separate declaration of material additional disputed facts. The Rules of Procedure do not provide a format for the additional material facts of the opposing party. Moreover, Nazir is clear that the defendant will not receive a “separate statement in response.” (Nazir, op. cit., 178 Cal.App.4th at pp. 249, 252.).

Do not ask the defence to ask for a separate response by creating a column for “the opposing party`s response and supporting evidence.” The defence may argue that a response to the applicant`s disputed additional material facts is appropriate. (Nazir, op. cit., 178 Cal.App.4th on p. 4). 249.) This is true, but neither the rules of the California Court nor Nazir dictate the format of the response. This method also makes it easier to copy/paste essential facts into the applicant`s brief and table. Once the master document is finalized, I leave these next steps to my legal assistant. To include the additional essential facts in your memorandum, make a copy of the finished PMFs_Master document and name the new document PMFs_PsAs (or whatever you want). The mechanisms for drafting the plaintiff`s separate statement of opposition Logically, either: (1) the defendant does not dispute any of the plaintiff`s additional essential facts (in order to remove all disputed facts from the dispute and thus make them uncontested); or (2) each of the applicant`s additional essential facts is not supported by the evidence (i.e. there are no additional material facts that are challenged for lack of preservation of evidence – which is why it is crucial to provide the correct basis for the evidence!).

None of these options require a separate instruction response. This means that the argument in the reply or in the form of the defendant`s objections to the plaintiff`s evidence should suffice. California Court Rules, § 3.1350, subd. (d) (2) and subd. (f) (3) stress that “the separate statement should contain only material facts and not facts that are not relevant to the decision on the application”. Rule 3.1350, para. (a) (2) The California Court Rules define “material facts” as “facts relating to cause of action, damages, performance of duty, or positive defense that are the subject of the claim and that could make a difference in the order of the claim.” Making Beautiful Music – The Art of Formulating Material Facts Undisputed Facts and Evidence in Support of the Respondent: Plaintiff`s Response and Supporting Evidence Draft of the plaintiff`s separate statement on additional material facts first. Write a strong story first before trying to “deny” each fact in the defendant`s separate statement. Focusing on the “melody” will not only help you gather your thoughts and force you to think about your legal arguments, but will also help you immensely “deny” the defendant`s supposedly undisputed material facts. No matter how detailed your material facts are, keep it simple. Write the applicant`s additional essential facts in a simple and simple way.
