How to Pay a Caregiver Legally

There is no publicly funded, non-Medicaid program that provides support to family caregivers in New Mexico, although seniors and their caregivers can get some services offered by local regional aging agencies through the Older Americans Act, such as adult day care. short-term home care services, transportation assistance and housewifery services. Note that not all states offer this option and some have restrictions on family members who can be hired as caregivers. We`ve added helpful resources to find your local aging and disability resource center or local aging agency to connect with local experts for more information. We`ve also provided information on states that offer Veteran-Led Care (VDC), as well as links to the state`s Veterans Administration so you can easily connect with the right representatives to get the help you need. Click on a status below to go directly to your state information: While it may seem less burdensome and inexpensive to pay a caregiver under the table, there are several reasons why it`s not in the best interest of the employer/family. Under the Directed Care for Veterans (VDC) program, eligible Veterans manage a flexible budget and determine the mix of goods and services that meet their needs so that they can continue to live in their own homes and engage in their communities instead of risking placement in a long-term care facility. Under this program, veterans hire and supervise their own staff while receiving assistance with care assessment and planning, assisting with financial management services, and counseling themselves, family members and caregivers with an options advisor. Hiring caregivers through a licensed home care company means seniors and their families don`t have to worry about things like tax considerations, payroll issues, retention, and workers` compensation insurance. Home care companies take care of these things on the employer side for their professional caregivers and clients. These include determining whether a person can legally work in the United States, withholding taxes, keeping records, and paying taxes. Tennessee residents who are eligible for Medicaid may be eligible for the TennCare CHOICES in Long-Term Care program. This is the only Medicaid waiver for the elderly.

Services are available to seniors or residents with disabilities who would otherwise require a nursing home placement. Services are offered in a variety of settings, such as the recipient`s home, a loved one`s home or caregiver`s home, an adult nursing home or an assisted living community. In addition to personal care services, the program offers assistive technologies, personal emergency services and minor home changes to support independent living. Special rules apply to workers providing home services to elderly or disabled people (caregivers). Caregivers are generally employees of the people they provide services to because they work in the homes of seniors or people with disabilities and they have the right to tell caregivers what to do. These services may or may not be provided by a family member. If the caregiver is a family member, the employer may not have to pay payroll tax, although the employer must report the caregiver`s compensation on a Form W-2. For more information, see 926, Household Employer Tax Guide. In some cases, however, caregivers are not employees. In such cases, the caregiver must still report earnings as income from their Form 1040 or 1040-SR and may be required to pay self-employment tax depending on the facts and circumstances.

Structured Family Care (CFS) is also available to Medicaid-eligible families. The CFS model is a caregiver support program for family and friends caring for a loved one at home. Through the CFS program, caregivers receive financial and professional support to provide home care. If you don`t feel ready to administer and pay taxes as a domestic employer, consider hiring a caregiver through a licensed home care company. The company takes care of all tax obligations, workers` compensation insurance, and payroll, so you get a simple hourly rate for home care services. The IRS issued several decisions in which it found the janitors to be employees. Therefore, it would be very difficult to argue that a janitor is an independent contractor. If there are unusual circumstances, a written contract would be required to document the status of an independent contractor.

While not crucial, a written contract can show what the employer and caregiver wanted in terms of responsibility for withholding and paying taxes. Louisiana does not offer a non-Medicaid funded caregiver support program. The Medicaid-funded option, the Louisiana Community Choices Waiver, is a program for seniors or residents with disabilities in Louisiana. The provision of community choices includes an option called the Supervised Home Care Program (MIHC). MIHC, provided by Caregiver Homes of Louisiana, allows a family member or friend who lives in the same home as the care recipient to receive payment to provide care services. In addition to a one-day tax-free scholarship, the program includes support and coaching services by a professional care team. Service providers must be licensed as MIHC service providers and comply with the rules established by the Ministry of Health. If the caregiver is an employee, the family is responsible for a variety of taxes, depending on the amount of salary paid, and for preparing and filing many federal and state forms. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, some long-term care plans provide for the remuneration of a family member who provides care. If you can determine if your loved one has such a policy, you need to know if paying the caregiver is one of the benefits. If you need clarification about your loved one`s long-term health insurance, contact the insurance agent or company and inquire about the caregiver`s benefit.

Caregivers can lose a lot of income caring for their loved ones, but they often have to pay for care out of pocket. According to the AARP report, caregivers spend about 20 percent of their income on costs associated with care. A number of other support options are available in New York State. For example, the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program provides financial assistance for prescription drugs and Medicare Part D drug plan premiums, and the Residential Emergency Services to Offer (Home) Repairs to the Elderly (RESTORE) program provides financial assistance to low-income seniors in need of emergency repairs. Local New York City area agencies on aging can refer seniors and their caregivers to programs and services available in their area for which they may be eligible and, in some cases, assist with the application process. If the caregiver is classified as an employee, the employer must withhold income tax, withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, and pay state and federal unemployment taxes on wages paid to the caregiver. Once a self-employed caregiver has been hired, an employment contract (also known as an employment contract) must be signed. This is a written agreement that must include the start date of employment, expectations, payment amount, vacation days, caregiver duties, etc. This is an important way to protect yourself as an employer in case questions arise about what the work entails. An example of an independent maintenance contract can be found here.

The caregiver must sign two copies, one for the caregiver and one for the employer. If the decision was made to hire an independent home caregiver instead of a home care agency, it is important to understand the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) definition of a self-employed caregiver and domestic worker.
