How to Legally Change Your Name in New York

The forms and name change information you need can be found on the court`s website. Please visit wedding: You and your future spouse can change their name when you get married. For example, simply enter the new name you choose on your marriage proposal. If you need to publish your child`s name change, you will receive a photocopy of the signed order to change the child`s name, which you can submit for publication in a local newspaper. The court will assign you a newspaper or you will have to choose a newspaper to distribute in your district. The newspaper will bill you for the Service, and publication must take place within sixty (60) days of the date your child`s name was approved. Once the order is published, you will receive a copy and submit it to the court as proof of publication within ninety (90) days of approval of the name change. Once you have submitted your proof of publication, you can obtain certified copies of your signed court order. Once you have completed the petition, you will need to present it to a notary to have it notarized. You can notarize documents at most bank branches for a small fee.

Go to the notary with your document and photo ID and sign the petition in front of him. The notary will then provide his confirmation on the last page of your application. If the court approves the petition, the name change must be published in a newspaper in accordance with the format prescribed by New York law. After publication, obtain proof of publication (affidavit of publication) and submit it to the County Clerk or Court Clerk (depending on where you are filing) within ninety (90) days of the order being issued. You may not change your name for fraudulent purposes, for example to avoid a debt, you may not change it to a name that could affect the rights of another person, such as a celebrity, you may not use a swearing, racist insult, obscene and / or offensive word in your name, and you cannot change to a name, would intentionally cause confusion (e.g. a name with punctuation and/or a number). In New York, you can change your name without going to court. You can simply start using your new name. However, it may be best to ask a court to change your name.

Most government agencies or companies (such as the DMV, Social Security Administration, and airlines) won`t accept your new name without a court order. Keep in mind that our name change documents cover ONLY simple and undisputed name changes. Next, fill out the first page of the resolution granting permission to change the name. This document will be completed after your petition has been approved and submitted to a journal for publication. To request a name change in New York, the person requesting a name change must have lived in New York for at least six (6) months and currently reside in the county where the petition is filed. Any parent or adult who retains parental or custody rights over a minor has a legal right to notice and must give consent or waiver of legal action against the minor. The current law varies from state to state, but the general rule is that both parents must agree to a name change for a minor. Our documents are designed only for uncontested litigation – lawsuits where all interested parties can agree. In New York, a minor is defined as anyone under the age of (18). A minor`s name can be changed by petitioning the District Court or Supreme Court by his or her biological or adoptive parents, “next friend” or legal guardian.

The court will assess whether the name change is in the best interests of the child and ensure that the change is not made for fraudulent or fraudulent purposes. The petitioner and the minor must have resided in New York for at least six (6) months and file the petition in the county where they reside. Once approved, you will receive a change of name order signed by a judge. This must be submitted to the clerk of the court, as for the application. You cannot use the name change order as proof of approval for the name change until it has been submitted. In addition, you will usually need certified copies of the order from the clerk, which you can obtain for a small fee per copy. As of December 21, 2021, the publication of name change orders will no longer be required. Instead, your name change will take effect as soon as you file the judge`s order with the county clerk. However, if you are required to pay spousal or family allowances, the court may ask you to send a copy of your name change order to the court that issued the support orders. However, the court cannot require you to send a notice to another person unless it does so in writing and justifies why you must do so.

Finally, you can ask the court to seal your name change documents so that no one can access them without a court order. If you want to do this, you will have to explain to the court why you want your name change log to be sealed. After completing all the required paperwork, take your paperwork to the office of the clerk of your district or supreme court (or a civil court if you live in New York) to file your petition and pay the required fees. Here are the basic steps to change your name: You must ask the Supreme Court of the State of New York to change your name. To do this, you must complete and submit these court forms: Name change actions can last from one day to six (6) months (sometimes even longer). The time required to order such measures varies not only from county to county, but sometimes from courthouse to courthouse. If time is an important factor for you to know how long a name change will take at your local courthouse, we recommend that you contact the courthouse where you wish to file your specific claim. New York residents must notify their county election board of a name change at least twenty (20) days prior to the next election in order to vote. To change their registration identity, individuals can follow the normal registration process using their new name and indicating their name change. First, they must complete the New York voter registration form and enter their old name in section Twelve (12) next to “Your name was…” ” braging. Once the form has been completed, it must be submitted either by mail or in person to the electoral commission of the person concerned.

Alternatively, residents can also change their voter registration with the DMV if they update their driver`s license/ID. After submitting your proof of publication, you can obtain certified copies of your name change order. These documents can then be used to change the name on your passport, driver`s license, and other official records. Our country-specific name change documents include more than just the forms you need. Our employees review laws, laws, regulations and state requirements when developing our forms. Detailed instructions are included in each package. In this text, it is always recommended that our clients contact their local clerk to ensure that all the necessary forms have been obtained. Our forms are country-specific (unless otherwise stated). However, we recognize that local laws vary – not just from state to state, but even from county to county. We strive to make our legal forms as complete as possible – but information about district and court discrepancies is not always readily available to our employees. Moreover, we cannot promise perfection to any of our customers – only our best efforts. Your local jurisdiction may require forms or documents that we have overlooked.
