Example of Child Visitation Agreement

If necessary, parents may include provisions that require parents not to drink alcohol for a certain number of hours or days before caring for the child and that the child not be exposed to tobacco smoke. Parents may also include a provision requiring each parent to undergo a random drug test. These should only be used if a parent has had a problem in the past. 10. The terms of this Order may be supplemented or amended as the needs of children and parents change. These changes will be written, dated and signed by both parents; Each parent keeps a copy. The non-custodial parent has the first opportunity to take the children to dinner. If a parent decides to organize a birthday party for the children, this is provided during their own parental leave. Both parents are entitled to receive notices, including, but not limited to, school schedule, back-to-school evening, lectures and other teacher meetings, teacher notes and/or communications, progress reports, or testimonials relating to the child. Each parent has the right to communicate any officially scheduled meetings with the child`s teachers, school evaluators, members of the children`s study team, or other persons designated to assess or classify the child or children, except in emergencies. Both parents have the right to arrange duplicates directly at school. Alternatively, both parents have the right to be present at these scheduled meetings.

This provision is not intended to prevent either party from informally consulting with the children`s teachers to discuss routine matters without notifying the other party. 1) Children should not be left alone without age-appropriate supervision. (2) Parents shall provide each other with the name, address and telephone number of regular childcare facilities. E. Each parent is designated as the person to whom the children`s school should turn in an emergency. Every parent will most likely have a vacation with the kids. It is important that parents specify the necessary arrangements on the holidays so that there are no surprises. Parents can add a provision that states that the other parent will receive an itinerary if one of the parents takes the child on vacation.

They may also include a provision that states that one parent must obtain written permission from the other parent to remove the child from the state or country. Another common provision is that one parent must notify the other parent when obtaining a passport for the child. (1) The father has the minor children at any other time. Children`s birthday parties. If the father would not otherwise have access to a child on his birthday, the father must still have access to that child for a maximum period of [NUMBER] hours. C. Every parent has the right to take all necessary measures to protect the health and well-being of children, including, but not limited to, consent to surgical procedures or emergency treatment. A copy will be for you; Another copy will be for your children`s other parent.

The original is for the dish. If one parent becomes aware of an illness, accident or other matter that seriously affects the welfare of the child, he or she must notify the other without delay; And except in emergencies, no measures can be taken to take the child to hospital without prior consultation with the other parent. Once parents have finished drafting the custody agreement, they can choose to have their own lawyers review the document and then sign it in front of their lawyers or witnesses and a notary. The agreement may remain an informal agreement between the parents or the parents may choose to file the document with the court if desired or required by an already existing court order. Parents should keep copies of this document for reference in the event of a dispute, misunderstanding or desire to make a written amendment to the agreement. It is expressly agreed that the urgent medical needs of each child will replace the parental right to consultation, except that the other parent will be informed immediately or as soon as possible of the nature of the emergency. In this regard, either party may consent to emergency medical treatment of the child or children, and each parent must inform the other of hospitalization, emergency or other once the situation has stabilized within 12 hours of the need for such hospitalization. D. Both parental parents should have as much extra parenting time with the children as the parents can accommodate. As mentioned earlier, parenting plans vary considerably depending on the type of custody agreement and the access rights of the non-custodial parent. Here are some examples of parenting plans for different situations: B.

Each year, each parent with the children can take up to 7 days of vacation, no more than 7 consecutive days at a time. Each party has the right of first refusal if one of the parties is not available for parental leave. In the event that a parent is unable to be with the children for long periods of time (i.e., afternoon or evening) during their parental leave and would otherwise leave the children in the care of a third party, custody of the children should be offered in the following order: (1) Another parent; (2) grandparents; (3) Other family members, as mutually agreed. Only when these options have been exhausted are children placed in the care of a jointly agreed babysitter. When deciding on matters related to children, such as custody, access and assistance, a court must approve any agreement that uses a standard for the “best interests of the child.” .
