Donate to Legal Defense Fund

LDF has many generous donors who provide support through their family foundations Please contact us at or 212-965-2200 to discuss funding options that align with your family foundation`s philanthropic goals. If you are not an AFSA member, you must register to make a donation in accordance with the U.S. government`s ethics rules. Registration is quick and easy. AFSA never shares or sells donor information to external parties. Please also confirm that you are a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident and provide the name of your current employer. Legal Defense Fund Auction: Show Up and Bid! You don`t want to miss the opportunity to see the fabulous articles that are available and network with hundreds of journalists for a good cause! Proceeds from the event will go to SPJ`s Legal Defense Fund, a single account that funds journalists who engage in litigation in defense of freedom of expression and press freedom. The live and silent auctions will take place at the Excellence in Journalism 2016 conference. You can help conduct major litigation that protects the First Amendment by contributing to SPJ`s annual LDF auction. For more details and to see a list of the ideas we are asking for, follow this link.

As the legal arm of the civil rights movement, LDF has a tradition of expert legal representation on the Supreme Court and other courts across the country. The LDF`s victories laid the foundation for the civil rights that all Americans enjoy today. In the first two decades of its existence, LDF undertook a coordinated legal attack on officially enforced segregation in public schools. This campaign culminated in Brown v. Board of Education is the landmark Supreme Court decision of 1954 described as “the most important act of the U.S. government of any kind since the Emancipation Proclamation.” The Court`s unanimous decision overturned the “separate but equal” doctrine of legally sanctioned discrimination, widely known as Jim Crow. The Legal Defense Fund is the leading U.S. legal organization fighting for racial justice. Please explicitly state the purpose for which you are seeking assistance.

Be sure to apply all the documentation you need to support your application. Note if you also want to search for NFOIC funds. If your request is an emergency, call the national head office at 317-927-8000 or call the presidents of one of the Corporation`s legal advocacy funds or access to information committees. Be prepared to email certain documents. If you have any questions before submitting your application, please email It may be helpful for you to first seek the support of an YSP local president or regional director. Headquarters can provide names and telephone numbers. Note: A six-member review committee can make decisions on financial applications of up to $5,000 at any time throughout the year. The Corporation`s Board of Directors must consider all applications over $5,000.

The group meets annually in April and October. If you decide to donate shares, please ask your broker to provide LDF with your contact information so that we can officially recognize your contribution. Please include a confirmation that you are a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident and the name of your current employer. We are working towards a future where no one is criminalized for self-administered abortion, bail after bail. Donate to the Repro Legal Defense Fund today and fund bail assistance and legal fees to get people out of jail – and save them from prison. There are many ways to give LDF a gift that not only gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are directly contributing to the organization that is the leading American legal organization fighting for racial justice, but can also ensure your own financial well-being and that of your family. The AFSA Legal Defence Fund was established in 2007 to provide financial support to members in cases of significant institutional importance to the External Action Service.

It was named after the late Richard Scissors, a long-time AFSA employee whose work management expertise was essential to many AFSA members during his tenure. Sometimes there are cases where AFSA is not able to provide the necessary time or legal expertise. In such cases, the DFL may provide financial assistance to assist the member in hiring an external lawyer with expertise in a particular area of law. Unfortunately, this is one of those moments. We have members who have been in distress because of the ongoing impeachment inquiry by Congress. Your contribution can help. Donations to the DFL are not tax deductible. Information about DFL can be found here. Purpose of the Fund The Society of Professional Journalists collects and distributes contributions to help journalists defend freedom of expression and freedom of the press, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Legal Defense Fund`s primary mission is to initiate and support litigation that enforces public access to government documents and procedures, which can be the most expensive way to defend the First Amendment. The fund can also be a source of support for freedom of information hotlines, coalitions and newsletters, as well as for legislative lobbying activities aimed at enforcing public access to government documents and procedures.

Due to the partnership with NFOIC, legal costs may also be covered. The two organizations will also use their joint national networks of journalists and citizens to exert public pressure on government agencies that flaunt the law. All requests for money from the Legal Defense Fund will be evaluated with special attention to activities that will impact the most ambitious and positive outcomes. How to apply for an LDF grant Fill out one of the following online forms: About the NFOIC Knight FOI Fund / SPJ Legal Defense Fund partnership The Knight FOI Fund exists to offer financial support in open government proceedings. It was created to promote and support the prosecution of important cases related to freedom of information by helping to cover costs such as filing fees, testimonies, court fees and other costs associated with legal actions. The Company`s Legal Defense Fund is a single account that can be used to provide direct legal or financial support to journalists. The Fund`s primary mission is to initiate and support litigation that enforces public access to government documents and procedures, which can be the most expensive way to defend the First Amendment. Due to the partnership with NFOIC, legal costs may also be covered. The two organizations will also use their common national networks of journalists and citizens to exert public pressure on government agencies that violate the law.

The SPJ Legal Defense Fund was established in 1972 to fight for the First Amendment, primarily for public documents and public sittings. Litigants request funds and applications are reviewed by a six-member panel supported by SPJ`s lawyer.
