Diffida Legale a Non Fare

Hello lawyer, I have a question, about 8 months I was in a farm at the time of payment, they had broken the pos and I could not pay despite a waiting time of 5 hours. I went that I had to make a postal refill, then daputo that the reload by mail is considered a donation and that I would not even receive, so I let her go, today I would not even have the money, which was 480 euros, I received today a letter from the lawyer Gold urging me to pay this sum after 8 months of silence. I say, apart from all the reasons why I also felt very bad and didn`t have the opportunity to pay the way I wanted, can they tick off after 8 months with a lawyer by sending a registered letter? I read on the net that after 6 months the fact would go into the recipe, can I be sure? Here`s what I found written: Suspicious is a person who has received a warning letter containing an invitation to perform a certain action or stop a certain behavior. Hello, I wanted to know if in case of an incorrect term inserted in the warning I sent (because too short), it is possible to immediately send a new one with a reasonable execution time? In this case, the second warning cancels the first and is the new term communicated taken into account? The purpose of the warning is therefore to call for conduct in order to avoid further litigation in court. To this end, 15 days is often given to comply with the warning, although the Supreme Court has stated that it is entirely possible to allow less time when dealing with urgent or otherwise easily accessible services. In addition to the inclusion of the structural elements mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is appropriate for the purpose of the correct drafting of the letter of formal notice: I was wondering whether and what measures could be taken to attract the attention of the competent institutions, given that I have already unnecessarily restored what has been damaged, and this condition does not allow me to do anything if, paradoxically, I do not want to increase the extent of the damage itself. What happens if you don`t respond to an alert? It is customary for lawyers to send a letter of opposition to the other party before the start of the proceedings, setting a maximum period within which they can comply or present arguments for their defence. What are the consequences for those who ignore this request and are completely indifferent to it? Can such conduct be regarded as a tacit admission of responsibility that could affect the outcome of a possible trial? 6. Sometimes it is still necessary to be able to take legal action later. In some cases, the law provides that before taking legal action, a request is sent by registered mail to the other party.

Probably the most well-known case is that of traffic accidents, in which the claim for compensation can only be invoked in court after a certain number of days from the receipt of your claims by the insurance company. Beyond these cases, a letter may still be indispensable if, for example, it is necessary to interrupt an order, as is always the case, for example. in the case of road traffic accidents, which are usually prescribed after two years from the date of the accident; In these cases, the lawyer must take care to mark the deadline and resubmit a request for payment before the expiry of the limitation period. But the cases are much broader. In all cases where a product is purchased, for example, if there are defects in the goods, in order to be able to claim them, it is necessary to submit a complaint to the seller within a number of days after their discovery. The complaint can also be filed orally, but how do you prove it to the court? So much better to do it in writing, with the classic letter amicably. Especially in these areas, and if the purchase has a special meaning (as in the case of real estate, but also property of different types of value, up to a computer or iPad), it is better to leave to the lawyer who identifies the best conditions and methods to make the letter that will serve as a complaint. We should know the case better, if you talk about it in general, you can`t really understand what things look like, the only thing I could suggest this time is a new complaint from the legal service. Although in the response to the warning it is possible to explain in detail what are the reasons for one`s own objection, it would be better to overdisclos the content of what could become a dubious defense. In any case, it is advisable to send the warning in a timely manner, since one of its consequences is to interrupt the limitation periods and let them start from scratch from the day of receipt of the letter The response to a letter of formal notice is not mandatory, but it is advisable to contest the warning by sending a registered letter: this way, in the event of a dispute in court, you will have the opportunity to prove to the judge that you are right. Dear help, I have indirectly learned that soon I will only receive a letter to be notified by a lawyer about another person who has posted photos in a Facebook group that signal a private place from the outside, since I am one of the administrators of the group. (closed group).

Now that I have not posted this photo myself, in addition to the fact that it was approved by another administrator, is it justified that it be sent to me by a lawyer for information? I remember that this type of letter, although she is not willing to compromise, causes difficulties and fears in acceptance. Is it completely legal to send it? Can I respond to the lawyer even if he has been sent to my attention, since he is received by my loved ones and certainly does not give me a positive emotional situation? 2. This can be done by registered mail or similar, but can never be replaced by a phone call. The traditional way to formalize the extrajudicial warning is that of the registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In practice, this method now comes with sending certified emails, both if the recipient has a certified mailbox and if they don`t have one if their address is displayed publicly. As a studio, we use pec as often as possible. In fact, the advantage of sending emails is multiple: less cost, more speed, more chances to read the warning, since some people unfortunately do not even withdraw registered letters. The warning can also be issued by notification in the hands of the bailiff or the notifying lawyer himself, if you want to have more certainty about the date of shipment and, above all, the content compared to conventional registered mail. Sometimes users want the first contact with the other party to be over the phone, but this is something a lawyer can`t do for obvious ethical reasons. A lawyer does not call people home, he has too much taste for threat and / or harassment. A lawyer writes a letter, formulated, as we said no. precedents, which the recipient can receive calmly and show with the same calm as his trusted lawyer.

The lawyer is a legal professional who protects the interests of his clients according to the law itself, he is not a mastiff or a stalker, as some sometimes like. If you think your counterpart is better managed by asking a person to systematically make phone calls, home visits, etc. To “sue”, hire a collection agency, but do not pretend to let a lawyer do this work: if he did it, he would be disqualified and in any case he would not even do it well. I myself quietly send my clients to these agencies when the judicial and extrajudicial instruments of my profession seem to me to be unsuitable for their business. If the relationship between the suspicious party and the warning is supported by a contract, the extrajudicial warning contains, in addition to the content specified in the previous paragraphs, also: Dear lawyer …. I received a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt from one of my cousins asking for the key to a door of an interpoderal stradelle (which she never owned and never used) through our properties.
