Definition of a Kingdom

The realization that gene loss was important for evolution throughout the animal kingdom opens new doors for research. From tall trees in the Amazon jungle to houseplants to algae in the ocean, green is the color that rules the plant kingdom. By analyzing hundreds of genomes from across the animal kingdom, researchers in Spain and the United Kingdom have shown that an astonishing degree of gene loss permeates the tree of life. “the carefree realm of reason”; “a land of pseudo-belief”; “The Rise of the Empire of Cotton in the South” Popularity of the word “kingdom” in the frequency of the spoken corpus: #2294 While the majority was pulling in some way, there was an active minority who wanted the Nana to establish an independent kingdom. Just as every divided realm falls, so any mind divided between many studies merges and consumes. Lyrics by Kingdom – Check out a wide range of lyrics listed by kingdom on`s website. Prices were plates and profits were to be spent on repairing the kingdom`s places of refuge. The U.S. Navy`s Fifth Fleet is stationed in the small kingdom, and so they each have military and economic reasons to remain friendly. You are welcome, most scholars, Reverend Sir, in our kingdom. William Shakespeare. The young Jordanian pilot comes from a well-known military family in the kingdom and his uncle is a retired major general. The kingdom of Wat`ry is not a bar to stop alien spirits; but they come, like a stream, to see the beautiful portia.

William Shakespeare, Merch. A kingdom is a place – literally or imaginary – where someone or something rules. A queen rules over her kingdom, the country and the people who live there, while a certain pop singer has a kingdom of young fans. In the “realm of the mind,” creativity and imagination do not reign over kings or queens. In biology, a kingdom is a group of similar organisms. For example, a dog is a member of the animal kingdom. In biology, the largest of the departments of living beings. The most famous kingdoms are those of plants and animals. Modern biologists recognize three other kingdoms: monera (or prokaryotes) (e.g., blue-green bacteria and algae), protoctista (e.g., red algae, viscous molds and amoebas, and other protozoa), and fungi.

(See Linnean Classification.) Not the senses I have, but what I do with them is my kingdom. A large scientific department characterized by dominant or dominant characteristics; a department; a department; than the mineral kingdom. In modern biology, the division of life into five kingdoms is widely used for classification. The numerical value of the kingdom in Chaldean numerology is: 8 A rank in the classification of organisms, below the domain and above the trunk; a taxon of this rank (e.g. the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom) Moses gave them the kingdom of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og, king of Bashan. No. xxxii. A kingdom is a territory or group of people ruled by the same monarch. You probably know the story of the prince who searched the kingdom to find the girl who left her glass slipper on the ball.

The animal and plant kingdoms are so closely interconnected that if you take the lowest of one and the highest of the other, there will be little difference. John Locke In biology, the realm is a taxonomic rank that is either the highest rank or, in the new three-domain system, the lower rank than the domain. Kingdoms are divided into smaller groups called phyla or divisions in botany. Currently, U.S. textbooks use a system of six kingdoms, while British, Australian, and Latin American textbooks can describe five kingdoms. Some recent classifications have explicitly abandoned the term “kingdom” and found that traditional kingdoms are not monophyletic, that is, they are not made up of all the descendants of a common ancestor. The survival of digestion by predators is rare, but not unknown in the animal kingdom. Let you make the kingdom divided and let a rebellious kingdom be excluded from Ephraim. Definition Noun, plural: Kingdoms In biology, the kingdom is a taxonomic rank composed of smaller groups called strains (or divisions, in plants). Historically, the kingdom is the highest taxonomic rank or the most general taxon used in the classification of organisms.

However, in the new three-domain system introduced by Carl Woese in 1990, the domain is the most common taxon, and the kingdom is only the next. The taxonomic classification of the world`s biota into Kingdom Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista and Monera, as proposed by Robert Whittaker in 1969, has become a popular standard for the classification of organisms. It became the basis for new multi-kingdom systems such as the Six Kingdoms system by Carl Woese and colleagues in 1977. The Five Biological Kingdoms (by Robert Whittaker): Kingdom of Monera: the most primitive of the five kingdoms, which includes all bacteria, also called Monerans, which are unicellular prokaryotic organisms. (In the Six Kingdoms system, the Monera Kingdom is divided into two kingdoms: (1) eubacteria, which are all bacteria except archaebacteria, and (2) archaebacteria, which are single-celled organisms that live in extreme environmental conditions and have characteristic biochemical characteristics) Kingdom Protista: consists of unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes without highly specialized tissue.
