Concepto Legal De Error

Accidental error or slight error is “The error on any other quality of the thing does not affect the consent of those who hire, but if this quality is the main reason why one of them concludes a contract, and this reason is known to the other party” Finally, the Code of Bello in article 1454 second paragraph emphasizes it. In mathematics and physics, error is the difference that occurs between a measure and reality. In this sense, calculation errors (the product of an error in a mathematical operation) and experimental errors (since it is impossible to exert precise control over a variable) or approximation errors can be made. According to Supreme Court jurisprudence, the theory of error of law as a disabling case requires not only complete proof of the error of law, but also that it is substantial and excusable. Errors are essential when ignorance or lack of knowledge of the content, existence or permanence in force of the rule determines the consent of the parties and acts as an impulsive cause for the conclusion of the contract. We say that the error is excusable and therefore cannot be claimed if it has been avoided with regular care. If you make a mistake in a mathematical operation, a calculation error occurs. “The error concerning the person with whom a contract is to be concluded does not affect the consent, unless the consideration of that person is the main cause of the contract” (Article 1455 of the Chilean Code). These are mainly Intuitu personæ contracts. It is the one in which the party enters if it makes an error on the identity of the object of the contract. Therefore, an entrepreneur is mistaken about the things or services to be exchanged. The general recognition of error of law is governed by Articles 6-1º CC, which stipulate that the error of law will produce only the effects determined by the laws. Conceptually separated, there are no obstacles to the recognition of the possible nullity of an error of law, since the person alleging it does not intend to circumvent compliance with a rule, but only to require the nullity of a contract (see Nullity and nullity of contracts) concluded on the presumption of ignorance or non-knowledge of a rule (or its interpretation), which is intended to regulate the legal relationship established by it (or on which it operates) such a contract.

the distortion of an idea in relation to the reality of a fact, a thing or its essence. Despite the difference between ignorance and error, such terms are used as synonyms in the legal sense, since it is worth ignoring them and getting the nature of a thing or fact wrong. For the factual error to be guilty, moreover. An error is false or wrong. It can be an action, a concept, or something that hasn`t been done well. In computer science, different types of errors can be recorded. As far as the penalty is concerned, both the substantial error and the ancillary error, if they affect consent, are punishable by a relative nullity. A material error or an obstacle error is a defect which is the responsibility of the identity of the act or contract being concluded or the identity of the article which is the subject of that act or contract. Article 1453 of the Chilean Civil Code [footnote 1] provides as follows: “Error of fact affects consent if it depends on the nature of the act or contract performed or celebrated, as if one of the parties included the loan and the other gift; or the identity of the object in question, as if the seller had understood in the contract of sale a particular item and the buyer had understood how to buy another”. In law, error is a defect of will consisting of ignorance or misunderstanding of a law, a person, a thing or a fact. [1] It may be an error or ignorance, but the result is the same in both cases: a misrepresentation of reality, and it is ultimately the error of law.

In any case, doubt excludes error, because those who act knowing that they could be wrong and ignore exactly the consequences of their actions cannot then invoke their own error. Wrongly, on the other hand, the subject does not know certain consequences of the action he celebrates and believes that his representation of reality is correct. [2] A typo or typo occurs when incorrect data for spelling, conceptual or other reasons is included in a publication or documentation. The media often use what is known as errata faith to correct errors in previous publications. The least harmful type of error is the so-called glitch. These are usually graphical inconsistencies, such as a poorly displayed texture or the failure of the collision detection system and the ability to pass through certain objects or walls, for example. Sometimes these problems occur when titles are used on backwards compatible consoles, such as some Playstation 2 games that fail to play on a Playstation 3. It should be noted that these situations do not always generate dissatisfaction among fans and, depending on the case, they can even become classic moments and increase the success of a video game. This type of error occurs when, since there is no error in the identity of the subject matter of the contract, there is nevertheless one in an essential substance or quality that it does not actually have. Article 1454 of the Chilean Code provides: “Error of fact also affects consent if the substance or essential property of the object to which the act or contract relates deviates from what is supposed; As if the object was supposed to be a silver bar through one of the coins, and it`s really a mass of another similar metal.

At least in the legislation that followed Pothier (Latin America, France), only error of fact infringes consent. However, this does not always happen because a distinction must be made between a hardware error or obstacle and a smaller error. It is believed that the law is known to all, this classical rule, which has its origin in Roman law (error juris nocet), has a clear basis that the authors have always emphasized. Otherwise, the law would lose its binding character, because people claim their ignorance in order to get rid of its commandment. Consequently, the error of law cannot be presented as arbitrary. This error always affects consent, and its sanction distinguishes between those who accept the theory of non-existence and those who reject it. The first point is that, in this case, no consent is configured and, therefore, the act or contract should be sanctioned as non-existent. For the latter, this is true, but without taking into account the Civil Code (Chilean) the sanction of non-existence, the sanction of absolute nullity must be applied (art.

1682). [4] The area where bugs are best known and perhaps understood is that of video games. Players, especially thanks to the invaluable amount of information they access on the Internet, usually deal with many technical terms and concepts, regardless of their knowledge or personal experience. Usually, when someone discovers a bug in a game, they make it public in one way or another, either by writing a message on a specialized forum, or by recording a video and uploading it to Youtube. The severity of bugs is very variable and these can consist of bugs that benefit or harm the player. The latter case is the most common, and in general, developers offer fixes to fix them. However, not all cases have a happy ending, because the worst place of error is the one that interrupts the game; This refers to not allowing further progress or damaging the game data, forcing the person to start over.
