Are Steroids Legal in Ifbb

This is a small problem because a natural bodybuilder taking steroids will have a much better physique than a natural bodybuilder who follows the rules. Since bodybuilding is a purely aesthetic competition, natural bodybuilders who cheat are much more likely to win competitions and make a name for themselves. The IFBB technically already has rules for the use of steroids. It is actually against the rules to use steroids. But thanks to the unique circumstances that affect bodybuilding, authorities must turn a blind eye to any violation of the rules. As much as I`d like to see steroids removed from bodybuilding, it just can`t be done. So, unfortunately, I have to say no. As mentioned earlier, steroids are problematic in many ways, and a ban could encourage newcomers to the sport to emulate a more realistic example. You won`t be taking anabolic steroids, but that doesn`t mean you can`t do everything in your power to make sure your testosterone levels are naturally high.

Sleeping 8-9 hours a night is a great way to do this. In addition to eating healthy fats, maintaining low body fat, exercising regularly, and you might even consider natural testosterone boosters. Banning steroids from professional bodybuilding could be both good and bad, depending on which side of the fence you sit on, but before you make a firm decision in any way, the pros and cons of this steroid ban should be determined and vigorously discussed. Bodybuilders can be randomly tested for drugs during IFBB competitions, especially during weighing and early pre-evaluation of the competition. Finalists can also be randomly tested for anabolic steroids. It is easy to pass these tests because steroids disappear from your system within 14 days. Diuretics are classes of heterogeneous substances prohibited by the IOC. Diuretics are often taken to conceal the hypothesis of other drugs excreted in the urine: the goal is to try to dilute drugs whose truncated urinary concentration is evaluated in doping control tests (for example, stimulants, narcotics and anabolic steroids such as nandrolone, metabolites of methandienone, methyltestosterone, stanozolol). Administration of diuretics can cause arrhythmias due to hypokalemia and dehydration. In addition, these arrhythmias can be particularly severe in underlying primary or “toxic” heart disease.

IfBB`s first step to really ban steroids is a serious test. And serious testing would cost millions every year. Weider would lose much of its profit margin. But no businessman likes to lose profits. So ban steroids or not ban steroids? Personally, I would like them to be banned in order to promote the health aspect of sport and to promote a lifelong pursuit of fitness and strength. A 2018 study of fitness athletes found that up to 30% of them used anabolic steroids. This is much higher than most people would assume, but perhaps lower than people who shout “steroids” at the first sight of a biceps. Finally, the author emphasizes the fact that adequate supplementation is essential to have optimal health during a cycle. Anyone taking a continuous dose of steroids will likely face the effects, namely certain liver and kidney imbalances. Is it a worthy sacrifice to compete professionally and dedicate yourself to what you love? This must be decided by the individual.

But according to this anonymous bodybuilder, the health effects are not a lie. Maybe not as bad as the media portrays it. The usual argument for banning steroids is based on health and aesthetics. What people really mean when they say steroids should be banned is, “I don`t like the way steroids turn some professionals into eviscerated monsters of cows with dangerously high blood pressure. If the IFBB were to ban steroids, its professional athletes could choose to compete under the banner of another federation. The number of federations could increase to accommodate a massive defection, and athletes would continue on their joyful and drug-induced path. However, since the IFBB is the most important, the message sent could convince others to do the same. The list of illicit drugs banned by the International Olympic Committee and updated annually by the World Anti-Doping Agency includes the following classes: stimulants, narcotics, anabolic agents (androgenic steroids and others such as beta-2 stimulants), peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues, diuretics, agents with anti-estrogenic activity, masking agents. While the skin color of a natural bodybuilder is pink in a sauna or during exercise, a bodybuilder who uses steroids often has a red chest and other parts of the body, even when not exercising. On the other hand, banning steroids from bodybuilding would potentially help cleanse the sport, as competitors are healthier and the public has more realistic bodies to imitate. However, it would depend on the willingness of the athlete to make that decision to stop. People will take the drugs regardless of this – if there is a will, there is a way – so it would be useless for the IFBB to ban steroids for “real”.

Bodybuilding can and probably should also be done without steroids. However, you should be aware that this path can limit your career opportunities. But since your chances of becoming a professional bodybuilder are pretty much the same as your chances of becoming a lottery winner, it shouldn`t really affect your thinking. The IFBB conducts during the Mr. Olympic Competition random drug tests for anabolic steroids through. However, anabolic steroids only stay in your system for 14 days, and so it`s easy to get tested for an anabolic steroid drug, even if you`ve used anabolic steroids during your workout. If the IFBB really wanted to eliminate the use of anabolic steroids, they would use drug tests randomized outside the competition. But these are very expensive, and they would lead to a mass exodus of the best bodybuilders. While others will say that steroids are an essential part of bodybuilding and without them, the original essence of it would be lost. So let`s just check the facts and try to make a decision. It would be impractical and virtually impossible for the IFBB to eradicate steroids from bodybuilding. But the IFBB can help prevent its abuse by changing the criteria used by its judges to select winners.
