An Oral Contract Is as Legally Binding as a Written One and Is Just as Easy to Prove

As assumed in most states, fraud law (a general principle of contract law) requires a written contract in the following situations: Anyone who has ever bought or sold a house or property knows that the transaction is not final until the deed is signed. There may be other contracts involved as part of the process, such as purchase contracts, but the deed itself sets out all the elements of the contract and is the most important document of any real estate transaction. 1623. If a contract required in writing by law is prevented from being recorded in writing by the fraud of a party, any other party who is led by such fraud to believe that it is written and acts in that belief to its detriment may impose it on the fraudulent party. In a valid contract, one party makes an offer and the other party agrees. This is commonly called the “meeting of spirits” because both parties accept these conditions. In our example, the aunt offers to lend money to her nephew, provided that he repays it within a reasonable time. The nephew accepts his offer and promises to reimburse him the full amount after buying his new tire. An oral contract is a type of commercial contract that is described and agreed upon by oral communication, but not in writing. While it can be difficult to prove the terms of an oral contract in the event of a breach, this type of contract is legally binding. Oral contracts are often mistakenly called verbal contracts, but an oral contract is actually any contract, as all contracts are created with the language. Creating a legally valid contract today is much easier than the days when handwritten contracts prevailed. Many companies now offer software specifically designed to make it easier to create, sign and send contract and business documents.

The above citations are only a small part of the extensive laws and statutes that relate to the applicability of oral contracts in California. Suffice it to say that anyone who considers that a binding oral agreement might exist should seek the competent legal assistance in determining whether that is the case and should not presume that only a written agreement can bind the parties, even in areas that normally have to be written. To win the case, the aunt must prove with proof that her nephew borrowed the money with the intention of repaying it, while the nephew must prove that he did not accept anything like it. Without documentation of the agreement, it becomes a matter of he-said-she-said. Ultimately, a judge decides which case the party is most likely to have. If you`ve shaken up a verbal contract without anyone witnessing it, you should probably work directly on your half of the deal. Because if you put your words into action immediately, that`s another way to confirm your verbal agreement. When you begin to act in accordance with your agreement with the other party acting in accordance with it, you create additional evidence that an agreement has been reached. The only problem with this strategy, of course, is that the other party must immediately start working on its half of the deal. Oral contracts are generally considered written contracts, although this depends on the jurisdiction and often the nature of the contract.

In some jurisdictions, certain types of contracts must be drafted to be considered legally binding. For example, a contract that involves the transfer of real estate must be in writing to be legally binding. Although the aunt can prove that she lent money to her nephew, with bank statements indicating that $200 was transferred to her nephew on the day in question, she still has no physical evidence that he agreed to repay it. He might even deny making such a promise (by committing perjury in the process). In addition, written contracts protect all parties involved from possible misunderstandings that may arise during the negotiation process. If a party signs a written contract without first reading it, it is still required to comply with the conditions as long as the agreement meets all the legal components of a valid contract. (For this reason, it is helpful for a lawyer trained in contract law to review a contract to ensure that the document reflects the actual conditions that the parties had anticipated during the negotiations.) This does not mean that you should opt for verbal contracts. A letter is always better and the cost and turbulence of trying to apply an oral agreement is quickly apparent. Useful clauses such as the rules of arbitration and mediation or the winning party`s attorneys` fees may be included in a written contract and cannot be performed in an oral contract. Another difference to keep in mind are “explicit contracts” that are agreed orally through contracts and “implied contracts” that result from the behavior of the parties. Article 1619 of the Civil Code stipulates that the object of the contract must be lawful. In our example, the reason the nephew borrows money from his aunt is to replace a flat tire on his car.

As such, the contract between them has a legitimate purpose. However, if the nephew wanted to borrow money to illegally modify his car (for example, by installing lights to imitate a police car), the purpose becomes illegal and the contract is invalid. After all, marriage contracts such as marriage contracts or post-marriage contracts must be written to be legally enforceable. The Fraud Act does not apply to actual marriage contracts, but to contracts in which valuable consideration is made for the commencement or termination of a marriage. Use PandaDoc e-signature software to make all your contracts and business agreements legally binding. Perhaps the most critical element in determining whether an agreement is a binding contract is whether or not there is consideration. Consideration means that each party must exchange something valuable. Without consideration, the exchange is a gift between the parties, not a contract.

Contract law clearly does not favour oral contracts. They are difficult to prove and are often the basis of fraud. So the next time you make a deal, get it in writing. When two or more parties reach an agreement without written documentation, they create an oral agreement (officially called an oral contract). However, the authority of these oral agreements may be a grey area for those unfamiliar with contract law. The law may stipulate that these types of contracts must be in writing, but it usually says nothing about the fact that they must be typed. With a few exceptions (listed below), an oral agreement may constitute a binding legal contract. However, all the conditions described above – offer, acceptance, consideration, two or more competent parties and legal objective – must be met.
