Can a Celebrant Legally Marry You

The Law Commission`s review of the Marriage Act of England and Wales began in earnest in 2019, with the final report due to be submitted to the government in July 2022. In its preliminary recommendations, the Law Commission proposed to move away from the current building approval system in favour of a formal system. We were very pleased that independent celebrants were listed as one of the key groups that can be considered authorized public servants. You can find more information in our article Proposals from the Legal Affairs Commission. An officiant is usually officially formed by the celebrant organization of the country in which they reside, but can conduct the wedding according to your specifications and include any topics or concepts you wish. CFI lay celebrants will perform marriages without religious content, and marriages celebrated by our celebrants are legal in Michigan. It is up to each officiant to decide which weddings they will organize and what content they will record/perform (example: some do not allow religious/spiritual content, while others may allow other participants/family members to contribute to this content if the couple so wishes). The legal process may differ slightly from one local authority to another, so please check with your local registrar what steps you need to take to legally marry. Once you`re done, you can hold a ceremony that you really enjoy.

Questions about lay celebrants? Send us an email to celebrants(at), and we`ll do what we can to help you! Journalists are much more likely to run around with stories that contain a “human interest” point of view. So, when you get in touch with the media, we strongly recommend that you share stories/photos of some weddings run by celebrants that you have organized or attended (provided you have permission to do so). To legally marry in England, if you have a celebratory ceremony, you must register your intention to get married with the registrar and make an appointment to sign the legal documents. The legal element of your marriage is just a short appointment where you have to sign the marriage certificate and say a few words of contract in front of 2 witnesses of your choice. There is no legal obligation to exchange rings and vows, so these can be kept for your wedding ceremony with your celebrant. Officiants can help and guide couples meet the requirements for the marriage certificate, but do not always have the authority to approve it. However, in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Guernsey and Jersey, humanist celebrants can enter into legally recognised marriages. Celebrants are also able to conduct a much more individual ceremony. 1) Awareness – Not enough people know that celebrant-led weddings are even an option, and many believe that all celebrants are humanistic. It is our duty to inform MPs, the media and society that the majority of weddings led by celebrants are organised by independent celebrants – around 10,000 per year (Pywell, 2020).

Being independent allows us to work with each couple to design a ceremony that fully reflects them, including elements of spirituality or cultural customs if they wish. We can start raising public awareness even before the Committee on Legal Affairs has published its final report by contacting MEPs and the media and spreading the word through all the channels at our disposal. 3) Campaign for Independent Celebrants – Even if the government accepts proposals to move to a civil servant-based system, this does not guarantee that they will include independent celebrants in the list of authorized public servants. This is where the first point comes into play. If we spend next year publicizing what independent celebrants offer and what demand already exists, it will have a significant impact on the discussions that will take place in Parliament as the bill goes through all stages. There are three important things we need to achieve in the campaign to legalize celebratory marriages: Finding the person who will marry you in a town hall is usually easy. You need to make an appointment and be ready to get married quickly. No long and long sermons here.
