Wipo Members of Madrid Protocol

The current members of the Madrid Union have functions both as ex officio of origin and as officers of a designated party. Learn more about members` obligations, as well as useful tools such as Madrid statistics, sample forms and regulations. You may use the Madrid System if you have a personal or professional relationship with one of the members of the system. This means that you must either be a resident of, have a commercial or commercial establishment, or be a citizen of one of the 123 countries covered by the 107 members of the Madrid System. Find out what users are saying about the Madrid System. From 27. By March 2022, local trademark owners in Jamaica will be able to use the Madrid System to protect their trademarks in the 125 territories of the other 109 members of the system by filing a single international application and paying a single set of fees. Accession to the Madrid Union requires preparation. WIPO is at the disposal of potential members to prepare for their accession to the Madrid Protocol. Find out about the preparatory work required and access to tools specifically designed to support new members throughout the accession process. The Madrid Union currently has 107 members in 123 countries. These members account for more than 80% of world trade, with growth potential for expansion.

Tip! In some cases, you can appeal against this final decision to a higher judicial or administrative authority, for example: an appeal to a board of appeal or a court. This depends on the national law of the Madrid System Member concerned. To learn more about the review and appeal procedures of Madrid System members, see our Member Profiles Database. Filing an international trademark application through WIPO`s Madrid System involves five basic steps: The Madrid System supports you throughout the life cycle of your trademark, from filing to renewal. Use these guides to learn more about searching for existing trademarks before applying for protection, filing an international application, and managing the international registration of your trademark. The effects of an international registration in each designated Contracting Party shall, from the date of the international registration, have the same effect as if the mark had been filed directly with the Office of that Contracting Party. If no refusal is made within the applicable time limit, or if a refusal initially communicated by a Contracting Party is subsequently withdrawn, the protection of the mark shall be the same from the date of the international registration as if it had been registered by the Office of that Contracting Party. Similar benefits exist for maintaining and renewing a registration.

Similarly, if the international registration is transferred or otherwise amended to a third party, such as a change of name or address, this may be registered with effect for all designated Contracting Parties by means of a single step of the procedure. International applications may be filed in English, French or Spanish, irrespective of the treaty or contracts governing the declaration, unless the Customs office of origin limits this choice to one or two of these languages. Before filing an international application, you should check whether there are already identical or similar marks in your target markets. In this guide, you will learn how to search WIPO`s Global Trademark Database before filing your application and how to find the trademark registers of national and regional trademark offices. The office of the Contracting State with which you file or register your basic mark is called the Office of origin. In your international application, you can select the Contracting Parties in which you wish to protect your mark, or you can later extend the geographical scope of your international registration under the Madrid system. Upon receipt of an international trademark registration, additional fees apply to extend the geographical scope, modify or renew your trademark portfolio. To file an international application, you must have already registered or registered a trademark in your “registered office” for intellectual property. Learn more about the process, including your eligibility for the Madrid System, how to complete your application form, the required fees, and how to track the status of your application during the examination process. International applications and subsequent designations are in progress The refusal shall be notified to the holder of the registration or his representative before the International Bureau, recorded in the International Register and published in the Official Journal.

The rejection procedure (e.g. appeal or review) shall be carried out directly by the competent administration and/or court of the Party concerned and the holder, without the intervention of the International Bureau. However, the final decision on the rejection must be communicated to the International Bureau, which shall register and publish it. Jamaica`s accession reinforces the status of the Madrid System as a key element of global trademark protection, providing a practical and cost-effective solution for trademark owners around the world and in the Caribbean. Madrid customer service is available to answer your questions and guide you through Madrid`s brand transactions and services. For example, to register a trademark without color elements in India and the European Union for a class of goods on February 16, 2018, the total cost is 1,698 Swiss francs [653 basic fee + 148 (one class in India) + 897 (one class in the European Union)]. * If you submit your application to the Intellectual Property Office (LDC) of the least developed countries, your basic fee will be reduced by 90% (to 65 or 90 Swiss francs). Stay tuned for more information on Jamaica`s trademark laws and practices, which will soon be available in the Member Profiles Database. The department of each designated Contracting Party shall issue a statement of grant of protection under Rule 18ter of the Regulations. Through its simple naming process, foreign companies and trademark owners will be able to apply for trademark protection through the Madrid System starting March 27, 2022 when selling their goods and services in Jamaica.

The Madrid System is a practical and cost-effective solution for the registration and management of trademarks worldwide. Submit a single application and pay a range of fees to apply for coverage in up to 123 countries. Change, innovate or expand your global brand portfolio with a central system. States and organizations that are Contracting Parties to the Madrid System are collectively referred to as Contracting Parties. The Madrid System offers several advantages to trademark owners. Instead of filing a separate national application in several different languages in each country of interest under different national or regional procedural rules and paying several different (and often higher) fees, an international registration can be obtained by filing an application with the International Bureau (through the home country office). in a language (English, French or Spanish) and payment of a fee. The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks is governed by two treaties: RenameLimitationRenewal Online Payment Madrid System Forms Protection may be limited in respect of some or all of the goods or services, or may be waived only in respect of some of the designated Contracting Parties.

An international registration may be transferred for all or some of the designated parts and for some or all of the goods or services indicated. As soon as the International Bureau receives an international application, it conducts an examination to verify compliance with the requirements of the Protocol and its Regulations. This examination is limited to formalities, including the classification and comprehensibility of the list of goods and/or services. If the application does not contain any irregularities, the International Bureau shall register the mark in the International Register, publish the international registration in the WIPO Trade Marks Bulletin (hereinafter referred to as the “Official Gazette”) and communicate it to each designated party. Any question of fact, such as whether the mark qualifies for protection or whether it is contrary to a mark previously registered in a particular Contracting Party, shall be decided by the Office of the Trade Mark Office of that Contracting Party in accordance with the applicable national law. The Official Journal is available in electronic form (electronic gazette) on the Madrid website. WIPO conducts a formal examination of the international application, but Contracting Parties may have specific requirements and procedures for applications, registrations or designations under the Madrid system. An application for international registration (international application) may be filed only by a natural or legal person whose establishment, domicile or nationality is related to a Contracting Party to the Agreement or Protocol. The filing of an international application is subject to the payment of a basic fee (reduced to 10% of the amount prescribed for international applications filed by applicants whose country of origin is an LDC, according to the United Nations schedule), an additional fee for each class of goods and/or services exceeding the first three classes. and an additional fee for each designated Party. However, a Party to the Protocol may declare that the additional fee, if designated under the Protocol, shall be replaced by an individual fee, the amount of which shall be determined by the Party concerned, but shall not exceed the amount that would be due for the registration of a trademark at the national level — with its Office.
