Forms to File for Divorce in Virginia

Divorces are heard by the Circuit Court. Custody, visitation rights, maintenance of the child, filiation and maintenance of the spouse may be decided by the District Court for Juvenile and Family Relations. After divorce, applications for maintenance review, custody and visitation are usually made to the District Court for Juvenile and Domestic Relations. The applicant may file a request for a hearing (1) if the respondent accepts the application after filing a response, or (2) if the applicant does not respond within 21 days of receiving the application. In case of agreement, the application may be accompanied by the ownership contract and the final decree. A copy of the application must be served on the defendant. Notice to your spouse that your case has been submitted. The vital statistics form records the divorce from the Vital Statistics Division of the Virginia Department of Health. This affidavit, which must be notarized and submitted by the complaint, certifies the efforts made to serve the missing spouse who cannot or will not be located.

The first document that must be submitted to the court to initiate a process of dissolution of marriage. NOTE: When filing your divorce files, you will need to fill out a statistical form (Form VS4) by hand. This form asks a few questions, including the reasons for the divorce. If you file for divorce under this program, the reason for divorce is “living apart and apart for one year.” (The last line of the form is completed by the clerk.) Each of these forms contains a set of instructions for calculating child support based on the parents` finances. The video Spare the Child, a project of the Virginia State Bar`s Department of Family Law, guides parents through the difficult task of restructuring their families. The documentary conversation video uses everyday language. There are examples of people who have experience with divorce, such as judges, lawyers, guardians, counselors, teachers, and children of divorce. If you launch the program and find that you don`t have everything you need to continue, you can create an account to save your previous work. Then you can finalize your divorce papers later when you have the information you need.

When spouses have children, the paperwork they have to deal with can double. When declaring dissolution of marriage with children, couples are generally required to complete and file the following divorce documents: If the defendant officially receives the divorce documents, he will receive the declaration with a summons attached to the Chancery, which is a summons to appear. The defendant then signs an acceptance of service form, a one-page form that is notarized and returned to the complaint. If served by a bailiff or sheriff, that party will return an affidavit certifying that the divorce documents were served on the defendant. There are three types of divorce: uncontested, irreproachable and contested. In some cases, parents are tasked with taking classes on how to help their children cope with a divorce. Upon successful completion of the course, they must present the certificate proving the diploma. As you can see, these forms are quite elaborate and there are some difficult questions to understand if you rarely work with legal documents. If you`re stuck trying to find or fill out case-specific forms, using an online service will help you solve this problem in a matter of hours.

This is a court order that allows the plaintiff to publish the notice of divorce action in a newspaper and thus effectively serve it on the defendant. This program can help you create a document that you can present to court if you are filing for an uncontested divorce in Virginia. Uncontested means that you have lived apart and separated from your spouse for six months (if you do not have children under 18) or one year (if you and your spouse have minor children). This separation must take place continuously, without interruption and without living together. In an uncontested divorce, you don`t have to pretend that your spouse did anything wrong, such as adultery or abandonment. There are many marriage dissolution forms from which spouses must choose whether they decide to file. While much depends on each case, the documents needed to file for divorce are usually: Located in Suite 115 of the Fairfax County Courthouse, the Fairfax Public Law Library has computers to access websites and resources for researching divorce in Virginia. If you require a lawyer, please contact the Fairfax County Bar Association`s Lawyer Referral Service at 703-246-3780.

Or you can use the Divorce Do-it-Yourself Papers for an Undisputed Divorce in Virginia. Download free divorce forms in PDF format or order a custom package to get a quick and easy divorce online. Some courts require both parties to file a cover page for divorce cases when filing a statement or cross-appeal in a divorce proceeding. The cover page of the divorce case identifies the lawyers and the likely course of the case. A cross-bill is sometimes introduced when the defendant is contesting the divorce and wishes to make his or her allegations on the facts of the case. The application for a publication order is accompanied by one of the following affidavits, each of which must be notarized: The defendant signs the acceptance/waiver form if he waives official service of the application. The signing of the acceptance/waiver of service takes place when the defendant accepts the divorce and decides not to contest it. Divorce is one of the most difficult stages of a person`s life, so it`s no surprise that many couples try to ease that burden and opt for a do-it-yourself divorce. However, there is one step that every divorcee still has to go through, and that is to find and fill out the court forms. As it is often difficult, we have provided below the most important legal documents required for divorce in Virginia. If you are using Internet Explorer and cannot open forms, right-click the form and select “Save Target As”. You will be prompted to save the form to your computer and open it from there.

When a divorce proceeding is brought before a member of the Commissioner, the applicant must file a removal decision, which is signed by a judge. The referral order refers to the act and certifies that the case has “matured” and that all due process has been followed. There are no formal court forms dealing with the process of spousal separation or divorce. For more information about the divorce process, as well as practical concerns about financial matters and custody, contact the Virginia State Bar and These organizations and resources for finding a lawyer, as well as your local court, law library, or local bar association, may also be able to refer you to someone who can help you. VA Law Help 2 Go offers a video that explains your options in case of an uncontested divorce with your partner. To obtain a divorce in Virginia, you or your spouse must have resided in Virginia for at least six months before filing for divorce. If there are no children from the wedlock, you must be separated for at least six months and have a written property agreement before you can file for divorce. If there are children from the wedlock, you must be separated for at least one year before you can file for divorce. If you choose to represent yourself, you will have to follow the same procedures as a lawyer.

Please do not ask court staff for legal advice or assistance. State law prohibits court officials from providing you with legal advice or assistance. It is highly recommended to hire a lawyer. Since 1998, Virginia Divorce Online has been saving people money by making it easy to create their own divorce documents. Finally, Virginia amended its divorce laws in 2021 and no longer requires an affidavit for an uncontested divorce; This program has not yet been updated and you will always ask questions about a cookie that you need to complete; However, you do not need this page and can throw it away once the package is printed.
