Elevate Legal Arizona

Go ahead. Go ahead. Slap your hand on your forehead and exclaim, “Eureka!” You just stumbled upon the legal embodiment of peanut butter + jelly. We feel like you`ll never be the same again. Oh, and don`t forget the milk. Law firm + Law firm. “Legally Managed” means that you have the convenience of having the expertise and oversight of our lawyers over your business, as well as Elevate`s technology, eDiscovery, Data Science, Legal Affairs, Managed Services, Project Management and Global Staff. It is the perfect solution to manage your business as usual, to manage the business more effectively and efficiently. Last week, Elevate became the first non-attorney-owned legal services provider to receive approval for an “alternative corporate structure” in Arizona after the state eliminated the American Bar Association`s Rule 5.4 in 2020, which excluded non-attorney ownership of law firms. We provide legal work and operational support that help legal departments and law firms work more efficiently.

After receiving approval from the Arizona Supreme Court to merge alternative legal services provider (ALSP) Elevate and law firm ElevateNext, Elevate CEO and President Liam Brown said he convinced clients affected by the ALSP with Arizona`s approval stamp. Now it is evaluating other opportunities to drive growth. License our cutting-edge legal content to develop your thought leadership and build your brand. In August 2020, Arizona became the first state to lift the ban on non-lawyer ownership of law firms. In ordering this change, along with a package of additional reforms, the Arizona Supreme Court responded to the recommendations of a task force that had called for fundamental changes in the regulation of legal services, all with the goal of improving access to justice. ElevateNext has been named one of the “Best Commercial Litigation Law Firms” for 2021 and 2022 by Best Lawyers and US News and World Report. We have also been awarded by BTI Consulting as one of the “Best at AFAs” companies. With elevate`s Abs (Alternative Business Structure) license in Arizona, we are helping to bridge the gap between traditional law firms and legal service providers.

And while that doesn`t make us “special,” it does make us unique and incredibly useful. Type Elevate. We seamlessly combine legal practice with technology, processes and more cost-effective alternatives around the world, enabling us to achieve significant cost savings, efficiency gains and better results faster without the need for “cruise control”. A one-stop shop for you. ElevateNext was founded by Nicole Auerbach and Patrick Lamb, two legal industry rebels who have a proven track record of looking at the corners and identifying where the legal industry needs to go. They founded The Valorem Law Group in 2008 to introduce alternative fee arrangements into the mainstream. Until 2016, they were among the 22 companies that received the “Best at AFAs” award in the country. In keeping with tradition, ElevateNext was launched by the United States in June 2020. News & World Report and Best Lawyers have been named one of the “Best AFA Firms” and One of the Best Commercial Litigation Law Firms by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers for 2021 and 2022. Yes, we are a law firm, but not like the others.

ElevateNext consists of former BigLaw partners and senior in-house lawyers who understand that complex business and legal matters often require lawyers, but not for all aspects. That`s why we`re part of the award-winning global law firm Elevate. Together, we deal with common issues more efficiently and cost-effectively than traditional law by offering you legal and technological solutions. ElevateNext was founded by Patrick Lamb and Nicole Auerbach, two legal industry rebels with a proven track record of turning and identifying the legal industry`s aisles and aisles. They founded The Valorem Law Group in 2008 to introduce alternative fee arrangements into the mainstream. Until 2016, they were among the 22 companies that received the “Best at AFAs” award in the country. Pat and Nicole, described as “weighting themselves,” decided to cast another real hook on the legal industry by partnering with Elevate Services, a globally recognized full-service law firm, to create a new model for legal service delivery. Prisoner of war. A knockout! Regulatory changes are being considered in other states. Utah created a regulatory “sandbox” in 2020 to allow experimentation with new business models for legal services over a seven-year period.

In its statement announcing the order, the court described its decision as “far-reaching changes that could change public access to legal services.” Elevate, which calls itself a “law firm” serving clients of legal services and law firms, said Thursday that the Arizona Supreme Court license combines Elevate and its affiliated law firm. The Arizona Supreme Court authorizes alternative legal services provider Elevate and law firm ElevateNext to merge. The merged company, Elevate, is the first “alternative business structure” to obtain a license in the state that allows the law firm to be owned by non-lawyers. LegalZoom obtains Arizona approval for an alternative legal business structure by allowing alternative legal services provider Elevate and law firm ElevateNext to merge, allowing the state to own a law firm for the first time by individuals other than qualified attorneys. Other states, such as Florida and California, are considering similar measures. There has been speculation that members of the big four accounting firms might try to gain more traction in the legal industry by becoming alternative business structures, but that hasn`t happened yet. Elevate Services Inc. has received approval in Arizona to provide legal services through a law firm, making Elevate one of the largest companies to license under a new business structure as a result of changes to the ownership rules of the state`s law firms. A unit of LegalZoom.com Inc., a consumer-focused online legal services company, is among the previous approvals, the majority of which were previously smaller businesses. The court has approved at least 15 positions since January 2021.

Elevate officials said its combined business is ready to help clients who have legal practice needs in addition to technology and other advisory services. “Our clients look to us for help on issues that typically require some level of legal advice, but can be better resolved by integrating that expertise into legal operations, technology and services at scale,” said Nicole Auerbach, vice president of Elevate, who leads ElevateNext services. “Elevate`s clients now have the choice they previously lacked: use a single company to all manage the company`s work that requires lawyers practicing at the top or in the mix.” LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – January 13, 2022 – The Arizona Supreme Court has granted an Alternative Corporate Structure (ABS) license to the law firm Elevate, making Elevate and its affiliated law firm ElevateNext a single entity. This makes Elevate the first law firm, LPO or ALSP in the United States with an integrated law firm. Abs Licensed Company uniquely positions Elevate to meet the needs of clients who require an aspect of legal practice as well as technology, advice or services for the company`s business operations. Elevate is the law firm. We help legal and business teams achieve incredible results together. Our multidisciplinary professionals provide multilingual advice, technology and services to more than 100 of the world`s best-known Global 1000 companies in all sectors (including technology, pharmaceuticals, financial services, insurance and consumer goods) and more than 30 Global 100 law firms. For more information, see elevateservices.com. “Elevate is by far the best provider I have worked with in my more than 30 years of experience in the legal industry.

Utah Legal Innovation “Sandbox” expands to create AI Contracts Venture LawGeex, otherwise described as “hitting their weight,” Nicole & Pat decided to throw another straight hook into the legal industry by partnering with Elevate, a globally recognized full-service law firm, to create a new choice to provide legal services to legal departments and law firms. Prisoner of war. Knockout! The company states that the license “uniquely positions Elevate to meet the needs of clients who require an aspect of legal practice as well as technology, advice or services for the company`s business operations.” Arizona was the first state to lift the ban, and in August 2020 paved the way for co-ownership by companies that provide legal services through the ABS agreement, which requires court approval.
