Does Indonesia Have Strict Laws

Gambling is illegal in Bali. In fact, it is completely banned in Indonesia. If you are looking for casinos, a resort vacation in Cancun might be a better choice for you. But you won`t be lucky in Bali. Indonesia is a very religious country. The main religion in Indonesia is Islam. Islam strictly forbids any form of gambling. Indonesian law does not distinguish between tourists and residents when it comes to the law. If you are caught playing in Bali, you could end up in jail. But it`s not just those looking for problems who might find them. You may unknowingly find yourself in trouble with Indonesian law without realizing it. Bali is a country with laws that you may find strange.

If you`re from a more liberal country, some of the rules seem exaggerated compared to what you`re used to at home. But if you are in another country, you need to understand and respect their culture and laws. We are here to make sure you know what is illegal in Bali and what you should avoid before traveling. There is actually nothing too unusual about the fact that drugs are illegal, but this is not something that the Indonesian authorities take lightly, so it is important that we point this out. No matter who you are or where you come from, if you get caught with drugs or use them, you will receive severe punishment. Women are forbidden to enter temples when they are menstruating. Although it is impossible to enforce, signs outside the temples will say that it is not allowed and will rely on your “honor” so as not to break the rule. This also applies to any person, male and female, who has some kind of open wound that bleeds.

Courtesy and etiquette are important when interacting with Indonesians. Don`t forget to say the magic words like “please” and “thank you,” and a friendly smile would never hurt. If you have time or feel ready to do so, talk to your local driver or guide, even if it`s just a small conversation, they`ll appreciate the friendly gesture. Indonesia does not allow the possession and/or trafficking of drugs, including many drugs that are legal in other countries. That doesn`t mean they`re angry with you – it`s their way of warning you to be aware. The Indonesian legal system still poses many problems. Many laws and regulations are at odds with each other, and because the legal system (including the courts) sometimes does not function effectively, it can be difficult to resolve these conflicts. In addition, the rule of law in Indonesia is often undermined by widespread corruption within the country`s judiciary and law enforcement. [8] “In practice, the Narcotics Act does not distinguish between users and traffickers in the criminalization of possession. A student caught with a joint could be sentenced to years in prison,” said attorney Ricky Gunawan, one of the country`s leading drug policy experts.

If you`re planning a trip to Indonesia that shows up in shops, boutiques, and restaurants, this may not be a problem. But if you`re interested in adventures, natural charm, cultural excursions, and explorations, you should always have a reasonable amount of money with you. Keep small bills ready to tip your guides, pay for parking, or buy small things or souvenirs to encounter along the way. In Indonesia, cannabis was banned in 1927 during the Dutch colonial period and these old laws are still in force today. In fact, ALL derivatives of medical or recreational cannabis in Bali (hemp/CBD/THC/hashish/edibles) are considered just as bad as Class 1 and 2 narcotics, whether the cannabis is intended for topical or oral use. ALL OF THEM ARE ILLEGAL. Indonesian drug laws in English here and in Indonesian here. If you`re not sure if you`re responsible for a scooter, you can rent a car instead. However, be careful.

Renting a car with a driver in Bali does not cost much money. It is better to do so. You can rent a car with a local driver for a full day for around $40 USD. Visiting this way is so much more relaxing. In addition, you avoid any risk of causing an accident and ending up spending time with the police. As we have already mentioned, some prescription drugs are considered illegal in Bali. Being in possession of the everyday medications you use at home can cause you problems. Sleeping pills, Valium, Xanax and codeine are among them. If you want to be sure before your visit to Bali, check with the Indonesian Embassy for medications you are taking. It should be noted that although some countries have legalized the medical use of cannabis, Indonesia did not legalize cannabis in any form in March 2021, the penalty for possession has actually become even stronger. The Indonesian authorities take drug use and trafficking very seriously. As it should be.

Indonesia is hardly an exception when it comes to drug laws. But if you are caught in possession of drugs in Bali, you will be faced with the full force of the law. If you were convicted of drug trafficking, you might not just consider jail time. You might consider the death penalty. Although the death penalty is rarely used, it is alive and well in Bali. In 2005, nine travellers from Australia were convicted of drug trafficking in the notorious Bali Nine case. Two of the Australian travellers were executed in 2015. Do you want to take that risk? If you`re traveling to Bali and Bali, keep in mind that Indonesia is one of the countries with the strictest drug regulations in Southeast Asia. To learn more, read this article. (updated March 2021) The Dutch presence and subsequent occupation of Indonesia for 350 years left a legacy of Dutch colonial law, particularly in the Indonesian Civil Code. After independence in 1945, Indonesia began to form its own modern Indonesian law, which it did not develop from scratch, but changed the rules of existing laws.

The decisions of the Dutch courts retain some authority in Indonesia through the application of the principle of concordance. The three components of the adat, or common law; Greco-Roman law; and modern Indonesian law coexist in current Indonesian law. Do not go anywhere without your passport or identity card (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Sementara or residence permit) when traveling through Indonesia. Your passport must be valid for six months, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter the country. Marijuana is classified as a “Group 1” drug in Bali, the same category as cocaine and heroin. If you are ever offered drugs on the streets of Bali or anywhere in Indonesia (or the world), you should just walk away. As if we had to tell you. But, you know, just in case we do.

Some undercover police officers in Bali pose as drug traffickers to catch you. They were warned. Indonesia has one of the strictest anti-drug laws in the world. A person caught with drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine or methamphetamine for personal use can be sentenced to up to four years in prison or forced rehabilitation. Although it is not yet illegal, there have been talks between the Indonesian government and religious parties to ban alcohol. If the law were to be passed, it would mean that the production, sale and consumption of alcohol would be banned in Bali. As you can imagine, this would be a blow to the tourism industry. So let`s hope the powerful use a little common sense. These laws and regulations may seem a bit unusual to you, but it is important that you respect and follow them in order to have a smooth holiday abroad. Here`s what you need to know. It is obvious that illegal drugs . illegal.

But you will be surprised to learn that the use of certain prescription drugs is also prohibited by Indonesian laws.
