Definition of Boat Cowling

These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “hood.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. When applying wax to a boat fairing, it is important to use a soft cloth. Dab a small amount of wax on the fabric and spread it all over the hood. Avoid pressing hard, especially on stickers attached to the engine hood. You need to let the coating dry after applying wax. A hood, often referred to as a hood or “cover,” hides an outboard marine engine and protects its internal powertrain and key components from the sun, sand, and sea. A fairing offers a reduction in air resistance, a significant reduction in noise and vibration, as well as an increase in engine cooling thanks to the efficient channeling of the airflow through slots and special ventilation connections. The upper fairing detaches from the lower engine housing with two or three locks. Although the fairings do their job at the back of the boat, they are at the forefront of the harsh marine environment and see the worst the ocean has to offer, with a constant stream of corrosive seawater and FADing UV rays. Let`s not forget that repeated exposure to exhaust gases and oily residues that must accumulate will eventually wreak havoc on the brightest hood paint. Engine manufacturers are now making great efforts to build engines from high-tech polymers and high-quality alloys to combat corrosion.

They also apply advanced multi-stage protective varnishes that resist UV degradation to maintain the shiny and new appearance of an outboard engine. However, even with these advanced measures, it still takes some effort on our part to make the hoods look new for many seasons and is the subject of the Service & Repair of this edition. If the damage has already been done or if you have bought a used boat that has lacked a little of the delicate care it deserves, and you want to refresh the appearance of the boat, unsightly fairings with large scratches and faded decals can be replaced or refurbished. Ebay isn`t a bad place to look, as dealers often clean homes with extra engine covers they may have dragged. It is also possible to refine the hood yourself with fine sandpaper, a factory approved primer, paint and a transparent and decal layer kit or through your local body shop. If the price is correct, but the money is tight, you can try exchanging a fishing trip to make up for the cost. The ability to repair a hood is highly dependent on the severity of the damage. If it is repairable, expect to pay between $300 and $600.

Repairs include repairing dents, painting and applying new stickers. Where the hood meets the lower crankcase of the engine, there is often a thin rubber seal. Without proper care, this rubber seal can eventually rot or crack and prevent watertightness. If the integrity of the seal is compromised, salt mist ends up in the head and other important components of your engine, leaving abrasive and corrosive salt crystals everywhere. With technologically advanced outboards that include electronic sensors that are more sensitive than ever before; Special care should be taken to keep vital engine components dry and free of foreign particles. Regular treatment of this rubber seal with a silicone-based lubricant ensures years of trouble-free service. While you`re at it, process the latches. Boaters remove the hoods to perform engine maintenance. Whether you are on the water, on the trailer or in a dry marina rack, the fairing is removable.

Thus, the name Full Cowling essentially covers his body with his eccentric armor, just as superheroes always put on their costumes before confronting a villain or entering the crime scene. When attaching a boat with an outboard motor, you need to understand the importance of protecting your engine. You may not realize it, but when driving to and from your favorite boat ramp, barely visible highway fragments swirl and can leave unsightly notches and stripes. Even worse, harmful asphalt particles and tiny pebbles can make their way into your engine area, resulting in a waste of fishing time and costly repairs that could easily have been avoided. Even when they`re not on the road, acid rain and harmful UV rays constantly hit an engine fairing and end up wreaking havoc – so if they stay covered, they`ll look new. If the hood is severely cracked or crushed, a replacement is required. The new fairings cost between $400 and $2,000. The cost varies depending on the size of the engine hood.

A hood on a boat covers the upper part of the outboard engine. The cover rests on the engine and is removable. After hundreds of hours of service, the well-maintained hoods still look new. Photo: Steve Dougherty Without the hood, the engine attached to the back of the boat would be flooded with water by the elements in addition to rough seas. The coating serves an essential purpose, but must also be easy to remove. In piston-engined aircraft, the hood forms a symmetrical and circular wing profile, as opposed to the planar wing profile of aircraft wings. It conducts fresh air through the engine, where it is passed through the hottest parts of the engine, that is, the cylinders and heads. In addition, the turbulence after the air has passed through the freestanding cylinders is significantly reduced.

The sum of all these effects reduces air resistance by up to 60%. After tests in 1932 proved the effectiveness of NACA hoods, almost all radial-engined aircraft were equipped with them. [2] Definition of the hood: a removable metal cover that houses the engine and sometimes part of the fuselage or nacelle of an aircraft: a metal cover for an engine. Depending on the size of the vessel, ships are equipped with one or more outboard engines. The fairing of each engine must be removed for maintenance. A boat fairing must combine two characteristics, including lightness and durability. To achieve this goal, special materials are needed. When it comes to boats equipped with outboard engines, fairings play a crucial role in protecting internal mechanics.

Treat the hood carefully and move away when it is removed for repair to avoid damage. Grow the blanket every six months to avoid UV damage and scratches. Finally, buy a hood cover and apply it when not in use to further extend its lifespan. Fairing covers are a wise investment. Unless you`re brand new to boating, it`s obvious that your outboard motors need to be thoroughly washed after each use. We are not talking about rinsing the engine with fresh water – that is another topic. We are talking about thoroughly washing the outside of the engine from top to bottom with a mild, biodegradable detergent and a soft sponge (avoid introducing excess water into the entrance/vent openings). If your boat is anchored to a marina or residential dock, an extendable deck brush with a soft-bristled head will help with hard-to-reach lower units.

Of course, on a trailer, access to the entire engine is not an issue. Make it a point of honor to stay away from abrasive brushes and hard, corrosive soaps that will eventually wear out on the impressive finish of each new fairing. After washing, some fanatics go so far as to apply a thin layer of anti-corrosion. It is not necessary, but the additional measure certainly does not hurt. Whichever length you choose, you don`t feel like rinsing the engine with fresh water is enough to make it shiny and new, because that`s not the case. Neglecting a routine washing program with periodic growth ultimately results in a faded and worn finish. Yes, you can and should grow outboard engine fairings. Hoods are sensitive to extreme conditions between sun exposure, salt or fresh water dam during operation, scratches due to removal and rain. Unfortunately, hoods that have been unintentionally mishandled need to be replaced, as cracks appear or are thrown into the sea during the removal process. Yes, boaters threw hoods into the water while inspecting the engine off the coast. In aviation, a hood can be used to reduce drag or to cool the engine by controlling airflow.
