Acm Senior Member Requirements

If you have any questions about the above points, please contact To submit your application, log in to myACM with your ACM web account and follow the link (from the left navigation page) with the registration “Nominate a Fellow”. The requirements for nominations and approvals are described below; For more details and examples, see Frequently Asked Questions. Tips for proposers and endorsers can be found here. The CMA Distinguished Member Program recognizes up to 10% of ACM`s global members based on their work experience and significant achievements in the field of computer science. To be nominated, a candidate must have at least 15 years of professional experience in the field of computer science, five years of professional membership in the ACM within the last 10 years and have reached a significant level of achievement or have had a significant impact on the field of computer science, computer science or information technology. A respected member is expected to have served as a mentor and role model in leading and contributing to technical career development beyond the norm. Be sure to cut the entire URL and paste it into the browser`s address field (remove all hard lines). If an error persists, No. However, if there is a minor correction or change that is material, please contact Candidates nominate themselves for senior members via the online nomination form. The requirements for nominations and approvals are described below; for more details For more details and examples, see Frequently Asked Questions.

Notes for nominators and endorsers can be found here The email may have been intercepted in a spam filter or the email address may have been entered incorrectly. Please leave the endorser contact immediately. “Each year, we are pleased to recognize a new category of CMA Distinguished Members for their professional achievements as well as their long-standing membership in the CMA,” said Gabriele Kotsis, CMA President. “The Distinguished Members Program is a way to both celebrate the innovative work of our members and highlight how participation in a professional society drives career growth. This award category also highlights that ACM`s global membership is the foundation of our organization. The candidate must obtain confirmation from 3 colleagues in this field (not necessarily CMA members) who have personal knowledge of the candidate`s work (e.g., co-authors, employees, supervisors). The endorsers confirm that they know the candidate`s work and that the candidate has accurately described his achievements. They also explain why they believe achievements meet the criteria for senior members. Applicants are advised to contact potential endorsers to obtain their consent. We also recommend that endorsers receive information about what endorsements should contain (from the Frequently Asked Questions website); Many nominations fail simply because supporters have not received good instructions from the candidate. A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 endorsements are required.

At least 2 of the endorsers must be current professional members of the CMA, preferably individuals who are themselves Fellows of the CMA or Distinguished Members of the CMA. Endorsers must have personal knowledge of the candidate`s work. Supporters confirm that they are familiar with the nominee`s work, that the nomination accurately describes their achievements, and that they believe that the achievements meet the criteria for distinguished members. Most importantly, they provide a brief confirmation in which they give their personal assessment of the main achievements and the candidate`s impact on the IT field (limited to 2,500 characters). It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that each endorser makes individual and substantive comments that strengthen the case for the nominee. Please note that the proposer also cannot act as one of the endorsers. Ask your endorser to contact We will make the correction and send your endorser a URL to confirm the change. The senior membership rank recognizes CMA members with at least 10 years of professional experience and at least 5 years of professional membership within the last 10 years who have demonstrated their performance through technical leadership and technical or professional contributions. There are no specific requirements, but there must be convincing evidence that its influence is already (not just potentially) in the top 1% of ACM professional members worldwide.

After submitting the application, an approval tracking URL will be sent to you in a “” email. With the tracker, you can see if your ratings have been submitted and/or confirmed. You must log in with your ACM web account. Tell your supporters to provide specific details about why they think you have met the requirements for senior members. Short, vague endorsements that essentially only say that the candidate is qualified, or that simply repeat the candidate`s achievements, are not effective. Let`s take this example: “I`ve known the candidate for a year. The candidate has technical project management and has published more than 20 articles in journals and conferences. They also have several professional contributions to professional societies and have served on at least ten conference committees. I believe the candidate meets the criteria of technical leadership, technical contributions and professional contributions of the senior member.

As an endorsement, it is weak because the endorser has not known the candidate for a very long time, does not explain in what role he knows the candidate and repeats the criteria for the upper limbs without giving details on how the candidate meets them. CMA Distinguished Membership recognizes up to 10% of the top CMA members who have had significant achievements or impacts in the field of computer science. Along with Fellows and Senior Members, ACM Distinguished Members are part of ACM`s prestigious Advanced Member Grades program.
